Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Storytime Programs - Fall II, 2015 - Week Five

Welcome to the fifth week of our storytime programs.  In addition to our weekly storytimes, there are numerous special events happening so be sure to check our Events Calendar, give us a call, or stop by the desk in the Early Learning Center if you would like more information.  We hope that you'll be joining us.   Below you will find some of the books, rhymes, and fingerplays we are presenting this week.

Baby Rhyme Time (For babies 0-11 months and a caregiver)

You Are My Little Pumpkin Pie -Sklansky
I Love You, Good Night! - Buller

Action Rhyme: I Love You
One I love you, two I love you,
Three I love you so.
Four I love you, five I love you,
Rock you to and fro.
Six I love you, seven I love you,
Eight you love me too.
Nine I love you, ten I love you.
Kiss from me to you!

Children internalize numbers by hearing counting again and again in rhymes and songs.  Counting helps your child develop mathematical and sequencing skills.  Count toes, count fingers, count toys as you put them in the toy box.... And as an added bonus, this rhyme is the perfect one to snuggle up to while you count!

Wonderful Ones (For babies 12-23 months and a caregiver)

All Kinds of Kisses - Tafuri
Baby Party - O'Connell

Puppet Rhyme: Old MacDonald
Old MacDonald had a farm, E I E I O.
And on his farm he had a cow, E I E I O.
With a moo moo here and a moo moo there,
Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo.
Old MacDonald had a farm, E I E I O.

Everybody knows this barnyard song!  Sing it with your toddler and add more animals.  Look at pictures of farm animals too and make sure your toddler can name them.   

Terrific Twos (For toddlers 2-3 years and a caregiver)

Hide and Snake - Baker
The Snake Who Said Shhh - Parachini

Action Rhyme: A Snake!
Here's a box, (make a fist)
And here's a lid. (cover with palm of other hand)
I wonder whatever inside is hid? (pause and peek)
Why, it's a SNAKE! (quickly throw up hands)

An important step in learning how to read is the ability to break down words into smaller parts.  Learning small words or groups of letters like "shh" and recognizing their spoken sound is an essential pre-literacy skill.

1, 2, Go!  (For children 1-3 years with caregiver)

Pop Went Another Balloon - Faulkner

Action Rhyme: I Had a Little Balloon
I had a little balloon, (make circle with hands)
That I hugged tight to me. (hug self tight)
There was a great big BANG! (clap hands loudly)
No more balloon, you see
But if I had this many more (hold up five fingers)
I wouldn't hug them tight (shake head "no")
I'd just hold onto the strings (grasp strings)
And fly them like a kite (raise both arms high)

This is such a simple rhyme but there are so many learning opportunities with it!  Talk about, and demonstrate, sizes with your toddler (little balloon and big bang).  Sort toys or other objects by size.   Then count the number of items in each group. Which group has more?  Less?

StoryMix For 3 to 6 (For children 3-6 years without caregiver)

At the Edge of the Woods - Cotten
Sleep Tight, Little Bear - Teckentrup
Deer At the Brook - Arnosky
Time to Sleep - Fleming (presented as a velcro story)

Action Rhyme: If You're Ever in the Forest (Tune: Did You Ever See a Lassie?)
If you're ever in the forest,
The forest, the forest,
If you're ever in the forest,
You might see some deer.
With antlers on one,
Another might run.
If you're ever in the forest,
You might see some deer.

We read about lots of animals that live in the forest today.  Ask your preschooler if he remembers the books?  Can he retell one of the stories to you?      

Family Jam (For families with young children)

Franklin's Blanket - Bourgeois (shown as a YouTube video)
Small Bunny's Blue Blanket - Feeney

Rhyme: If You're Wearing Something Blue (Tune: If You're Happy and You Know It)
If you're wearing something blue, clap your hands.
If you're wearing something blue, clap your hands.
If you're wearing something blue, then stomp your feet too.
If you're wearing something blue, clap your hands.
(Repeat with other colors)

Repeat this rhyme at home with your child to reinforce color recognition.  Does your child have a favorite color? 

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