Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7th, 2014 Blog
Spring Session, Week 4

Welcome to the Spring 2014 Session of our Ready, Set Read! Blog, Week 4!  We have lots of things to share from our different programs for you to try with your little ones at home.

Baby Rhyme Time!
We are having Spring fun with your little one this week!  We read the books, Planting Seeds by Nancy Wallace and Round and Round the Garden by Moira Kemp.
Here are some songs that we used in our program for you to use at home… 

Rhyme: Flowers

Flowers tall, flowers small,
Count them one by one,
Blowing with the breezes,
In the springtime sun.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Rhyme: Slowly, Slowly
Slowly, slowly, very slowly, (Walk fingers over baby)
Creeps the garden snail.
Slowly, slowly, very slowly,
Up the wooden rail.
Quickly, quickly, very quickly,
Runs the little mouse.
Quickly, quickly, very quickly,
Round about the house.

To continue the fun, bring some of the outdoors inside.  Bring your favorite flowers to share and explore with your baby! 

Wonderful Ones
This week we are having fun with our little ones!  Some books that we read this week are:  Shhh…by Guido Van Genechten and Show Me! By Tom Tracy.
Here are some songs that we used in our program for you to use at home… 

Rhyme: One, Two
One, two, one, two
I have two eyes, so do you.
One, two, one, two
I have two ears, so do you.
One, two, one, two,
I have two lips, so do you.
One, two, one, two,
I have two hands, so do you!


Rhyme: Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream.

(Sway your boat, Bounce, Wiggle)


Continue the fun at home by singing the traditional song, Heads, Shoulders Knees and Toes at home.  Make it fun and exaggerate the movements as you go!

Terrific Twos!

This week is all about Monkeys!  Here are some books to read to with your child that goes along with our theme Cha-Cha Chimps by Julia Durango and Monkey See, Look at Me! by Lorena Siminovich

Here are some songs and rhymes we used in our program this week….

Rhyme: Monkey see, monkey do,
Monkey does the same as you. 
When you clap, clap, clap your hands
The monkey claps, claps, claps his hands.
Monkey see, monkey do,
Monkey does the same as you.
(stamp your feet, make a funny face)

Rhyme: Five little monkeys swinging in a tree,
Teasing Mr. Crocodile: “You can’t catch me!” “You can’t catch me!”
Along came Mr. Crocodile as quiet as can be and…
SNAPPED that monkey right out of that tree!
Four, three, two, one (HA HA MISSED ME!)

To extend our theme at home, sing the traditional “5 Little Monkeys
Jumping on the Bed” song. 

1, 2, 3, Go!
This week we are talking about Bedtime! We read the following during our story time: Flora’s Blanket by Debi Gliori and Kiki’s Blankie by Janie Bynum.  

Rhyme: Bedtime for Piggies (Twice)

(Use toes or fingers)
“It’s time for all piggies to go to bed,”
Mother Piggie said.
“I will count them up to see,
If all of my piggies came back to me.
One little piggy, two little piggies,
Three little piggies, dear,
Four little piggies, five little piggies,
Yes, they are all here.
You are the dearest little piggies alive,
One, two, three, four five.”

Rhyme: My blanket (twice)
I once had a blanket, it was fluffy and new,
I once had a blanket, and its color was blue.
I once had a blanket, the prettiest I’ve seen,
I once had a blanket, and its color was green.
I once had a blanket, as soft as a pillow,
I once had a blanket, and its color was yellow.
I once had a blanket, at the foot of my bed,
I once had a blanket, and its color was red.

To extend our Bedtime theme at home, sing the song Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star together with your child. 

Story Mix for 3-6
We are talking about the Princes and Princesses this week!  A couple of books we read are A Dragon Moves In by Lisa Falkenstern and George, the Dragon and the Princess by Chris Wormell.
Rhyme: “Curtsy Like A Princess”  (tune: Skip To My Lou)
From Story Time Secrets
Curtsy like a princess just like so
Curtsy like a princess just like so
Curtsy like a princess just like so
Curtsy like a princess.
(Bow like a prince, juggle like a jester, roar like a dragon, fly like a fairy)

I shut the door and locked it tight
And put the key out of sight
I found the key to open the door
And turned and turned and turned some more
And then I opened the door to see
A beautiful kingdom in front of me.

Castles and Royalty are an excellent theme for imaginary play!  Continue the fun at home with imaginary play as Royalty and Dragons!  

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