Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 1st, 2014 Blog
Spring Session, Week 3

Welcome to the Spring 2014 Session of our Ready, Set Read! Blog, Week 3!  We have lots of things to share from our different programs for you to try with your little ones at home. 

Baby Rhyme Time!
We are having fun with your little one this week!  We read the books, Lola at the Library by Anna McQuinn and Book! by Kristine O'Connell George.
Here are some songs that we used in our program for you to use at home… 

Rhyme: Just Like Me
Make your legs go bend bend bend,
Bend bend bend,
Bend bend bend.
Make your legs go bend bend bend,
Just like me.
(Arms go stretch stretch stretch)

Rhyme: At the Library (Bouncing)
We do a lot of reading,
We do a lot of listening,
We do a lot of playing,s
At the library.

To continue the fun read your little one’s favorite book together. 

Wonderful Ones
This week we are having some Music and Movement fun with our little ones!  Some books that we read this week are:  Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes by Annie Kubler and Maisy’s First Numbers by Lucy Cousins.

Here are some songs that we used in our program for you to use at home… 
Rhyme: Stretching Fun
I stretch and stretch and find it fun,
To try to reach up to the sun.
I bend and bend to touch the ground,

Then I twist and twist around

Rhyme: One, Two, Three, Four, Five
One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I threw it back again. 
Why did you let it go?  Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on the right.


Continue the Music and Movement fun at home by singing and dancing to a favorite song.  Act out the movements as you go along!

Terrific Twos!

This week is all about Lions!  Here are some books to read to with your child that goes along with our theme: If I were a Lion by Sarah Weeks and Dear Zoo (done by story cards) by Author Unknown. 

Here are some songs and rhymes we used in our program this week….

Rhyme: (tune:10 Little Indians)
Zebras are running through the grass, 
Monkeys are swinging from the trees.
We are going to the zoo,
Join us if you please.
Snakes are crawling over the rocks,
Elephants stomping on the ground.
Parrots flying, lions roaring
Stop and look around.

Rhyme: I love to sleep out in the sun
and chase other animals just for fun.
In all the jungle, I’m number ONE
I’m a LION!

To extend our them at home, move and roar like a lion.  Also, see 
what facts you remember about lions!

1, 2, 3, Go!
This week we are talking about the Jungle! We read the following during our story time: Walking Through the Jungle by Debbie Harter and Mommy, Carry Me Please! by Jane Cabrera.

Rhyme: Monkey See, Monkey Do
The monkey claps his hands
The monkey claps his hands
Monkey see, monkey do
The monkey does the same as you!
(Turns around/Covers his eyes/Jumps up and down)

Rhyme: If You’re an Elephant and You Know It (Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It) (With Puppets)
If you’re an elephant and you know it, STOMP your feet
If you’re an elephant and you know it, STOMP your feet
If you’re an elephant and you know it, then your face will surely show it,
If you’re an elephant and you know it, STOMP your feet.
(Monkey – JUMP up and down/Crocodile – SNAP your jaws/Lion – give a ROAR)

To extend our Jungle theme at home, talk about which animals live in the jungle and who does not.  Sort pictures if you can!

Story Mix for 3-6
We are talking about the Farm this week!  A couple of books we read are Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown and The Cow Who Clucked By Denise Fleming. 

Three friendly cows went moo, moo, moo
One walked away and then there were 2
Two friendly cows standing in the sun
One walked away and then there was 1 
One friendly cow wanted to have some fun
She went to find the others and then there were none

Rhyme: (Action Rhyme)
Two mother pigs lived in a pen
Each had four babies and that made ten
These four babies were black as night
These four babies were black and white
But all eight babies loved to play
And they rolled and rolled in the mud all day
At night with their mother
They curled in a heap
And squealed and squealed till
They went to sleep

To extend our Farm theme at home, check out the book Click, Clack Moo, Cows that Type By Doreen Cornin. It’s a fun and silly way to look at farm animals differently.

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