14th, 2014 Blog
Session, Week 5
to the Spring 2014 Session of our Ready, Set Read! Blog, Week 5! We have lots of things to share from our
different programs for you to try with your little ones at home.
Baby Rhyme Time!

Here are some songs that we used in our program
for you to use at home…
Rhyme: Easter Bunny Hippity Hop
(Tune: Pop! Goes the Weasel)
Easter bunny, hippity hop,
Hide ‘til Easter morning.
Easter bunny, hippity hop,
Up pops the bunny!
Furry little Easter Bunny (using bunny as prop)
Furry little Easter bunny,
Hopping low and hopping high,
Landed on my head,
And then hopped into the sky!
(Foot, Hand)
To continue the
fun, go on a mini egg hunt with your baby.
Talk about the colors of the eggs found and describe where they are

Here are some songs that we used in our program
for you to use at home…
see ducks.
Ducks see me.
I like the ducks.
The ducks like me.
Big yellow ducks.
One, two, three.
I like the ducks
and the ducks like me.
Ducks see me.
I like the ducks.
The ducks like me.
Big yellow ducks.
One, two, three.
I like the ducks
and the ducks like me.
Raindrops, raindrops
–Twinkle, Twinkle little star)
raindrops, dance around
raindrops touch the ground
landing on my nose
landing on my toes
raindrops dance around
raindrops, touch the ground.
Continue the fun at home by checking
out the song 6 Little Ducks on the cd More Singable Song by Raffi.

Here are some songs and rhymes we used in our
program this week….
Rhyme: Bears
(Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb)
Grizzly bears
are big and brown,
big and brown,
big and brown.
Grizzly bears
are big and brown,
And live in
the woods.
Polar bears
are soft and white,
soft and
white, soft and white.
Polar bears
are soft and white,
And live where it’s cold.
Panda bears
are white and black,
white and
black, white and black.
Panda bears
are white and black,
And live in
the forest.
If you’re a
panda and you know it, clap your paws.
If you’re a
polar bear and you know it, show your teeth.
If you’re a
grizzly bear and you know it, growl real loud.
To extend our theme at home, sing the traditional song, We're Going on a Bear Hunt"!
1, 2, 3, Go!

I wish I Were a Bunny
wish I were a bunny,
bunny, a bunny.
wish I were a bunny
bunnies can hop.
hop and hop,
hop and hop.
wish I were a bunny,
bunnies can hop.
Rhyme: If You’re Hoppy and You Know It
If you’re hoppy
and you know it, hop around
If you’re hoppy and you know it, hop around
If you’re hoppy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you’re hoppy and you know it, hop around.
If you’re hoppy and you know it, hop around
If you’re hoppy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you’re hoppy and you know it, hop around.
(shake your tail, stomp your feet, wiggle your nose)
extend our Easter theme at home, talk more about bunnies and where they
are. What do they do? Where do they live and what do they eat?
Story Mix for 3-6

(Prop Rhyme with baby chick puppet)
white egg sat on by Mother Hen
To keep it warm and then,
Crack, crack, crack
Peep, peep, peep
A baby chick softly cheeps
5 Little Bunny Rabbits Went Out To Play
(5 Little Elephants Went Out To Play)
(5 Little Elephants Went Out To Play)
1 little bunny rabbit
went out to play
Out on a spider’s web one day
He had such enormous fun
He called on another bunny rabbit to come
Out on a spider’s web one day
He had such enormous fun
He called on another bunny rabbit to come
(2, 3, 4, 5…)
All the bunny rabbits went out to play,
Out on a spider’s web one day.
They had such enormous fun,
They didn’t see the web break -
(clap hands)
And they all fell down!
All the bunny rabbits went out to play,
Out on a spider’s web one day.
They had such enormous fun,
They didn’t see the web break -
(clap hands)
And they all fell down!
Continue the Easter fun
by taking plastic eggs and writing upper case and lower case letters on each
half. Have your child match the correct
letters together and put the egg back together!
Spanish Family Story Time
Actividad con marionetas: “¿Qué dicen
los animales?” en Learning in Two Languages/Aprendidiendo en dos idiomas por
Hap Palmer
Yo camino en la
primavera, yo camino por la vecindad
Yo camino y disfruto del clima, miro arriba y allí están
luna y estrellas
miro arriba y allí están
luna y estrellas
miro arriba y allí están
Yo camino y disfruto del clima, miro arriba y allí están
luna y estrellas
miro arriba y allí están
luna y estrellas
miro arriba y allí están
Activitad con libro: Counting ovejas (contando
ovejas) por Sarah Weeks
Beautiful Moon, Bella Luna por Dawn Jeffers
Stars por Mary Lyn Ray
Stars More
por Kathy Mallat
Por la noche yo veo las estrellas
Y una grande luna sonriendo
Mamá me lleva a la cama
Allí es donde me da sueño
Mamá me canta, una cancion
Duérmete, mi niño,
duérmete, mi amor,
duérmete, pedazo de mi corazón. (2)
duérmete, mi amor,
duérmete, pedazo de mi corazón. (2)
miro a las estrellas, cuando de noche salen
pregunto: ¿Cómo es qué brillan?
brillan, tan bonitas.
no pienso que se van a caer
eso yo las alcanzo y me las llevo en mis manos.
Música con
instrumentos: Raffi “De Colores”
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