Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Storytime Programs - Winter, 2017 - Week Two

Welcome to the second week of Winter storytime programs.  In addition to our weekly storytimes, there are numerous special events happening so be sure to check our Events Calendar, give us a call, or stop by the desk in the Early Learning Center if you would like more information.  We hope that you'll be joining us.  Remember, we have storytime at all three locations! Below you will find some of the books, rhymes, and fingerplays we are presenting this week.

Baby Rhyme Time (For babies 0-11 months and a caregiver)

How Do You Make A Baby Smile? by Sturges Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Funny Face, Sunny Face by Symes Click here to find the book in the catalog.

Action Rhyme: If You're Happy And You Know It
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands
(Pat your head/wiggle your fingers)

The more language your baby hears, whether it be reading a fun book or simply naming body parts as you change a diaper or describing things you see on a neighborhood walk, the better it is for his brain growth and development.

Wonderful Ones (For babies 12-23 months and a caregiver)

Bears! Bears! Bears! by Barner Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Two At The Zoo by Smith Click here to find the book in the catalog.

Action Rhyme: I Can Wiggle My Bear Claws
I can wiggle my bear claws
I can wiggle my bear paws
I can wiggle my bear shoulders
I can wiggle my cold bear nose
Now all my wiggles are out of me
And I can sit quiet as can be

Play a wiggling game with your toddler.  Wiggle hands, feet, arms and bodies.  Wiggle fast, wiggle slow.  Have fun wiggling together!

Terrific Twos (For toddlers 2-3 years and a caregiver)

Dancing Feet! by Craig Click here to find the book in the catalog.
I Love To Dance by Walker Click here to find to find the book in the catalog.

Action Rhyme: Dance Your Fingers Up
Dance your fingers up, dance your fingers down
Dance them to the side and dance them all around
Dance them on your shoulders, dance them on your head
Dance them on your tummy, and put them all to bed

Turn on some music and dance with your toddler.  Moving to music is an excellent way for your child to build motor skills and express himself.  And it's just plain fun!

1, 2, Go!  (For children 1-3 years and a caregiver)

Police Officers On Patrol by Hamilton Click here to find the book in the catalog.
This Is The Firefighter by Godwin Click here to find the book in the catalog.

Action Rhyme: I Am A Police Officer
I am a police officer with my star
I help people near and far
If you have a problem, call on me
And I will be there, 1, 2, 3!

How high can your toddler count?  Practice every day!

StoryMix For 3 to 6 (For children 3-6 years without caregiver)

Where Bear? by Henn Click here to find the book in the catalog.
There's A Bear On My Chair by Collins Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Ice In The Jungle by Hofmann-Maniyar Click here to find the book in the catalog.

Action Rhyme: Let's Put On Our Mittens
Let's put on our mittens
And button up our coats
Wrap a scarf snugly
Around our throats

Pull on our boots
Fasten the straps
Tie on tightly
Our warm winter caps

Then open the door
And out we go
Into the soft
And feathery snow

Have your child practice putting on his outerwear every time you go outside.  Have him fasten buttons and zippers and pull on mittens and gloves.  Can he fasten his own shoes?   

Family Jam (For families with young children)

Can You Make A Scary Face? by Thomas Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Glad Monster/Sad Monster by Emberley
I Want A Monster! by Gravel Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Creepy Monsters, Sleepy Monsters by Yolen Click here to find the book in the catalog.

Families enjoyed movement and dancing along to the Sesame Street: Me Want It (But Me Wait) YouTube video.  Click on the following link if you'd like to enjoy it again.

We read about monsters this week.  Describe you own monster and draw it!

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