Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Walk and Learn!

Neighborhood walks with your toddler or preschooler are wonderful learning opportunities.  Here are a few fun ideas to get you started -

For your toddler

What Comes Next?  As your child becomes familiar with your neighborhood, play a simple memory game.  For example, as you pass a house where a big dog lives, say, "Where does that big, black dog live?"  After your child answers, point to the house and say, "He lives right there in that grey house!  I wonder where he is today?"  After you've played this game on a few different occasions, ask the same question before or after you've passed the house.

Walk Around the Block.  Enjoy the sights and sounds on a walk.  As you pass people and places, name them for your child.  "Look, there's the mom with her baby."  Then add more details.  "Her baby is riding in a stroller."  After a few walks, ask your child to make simple predictions on what and whom you'll see.  "Do you think we'll see that big, black dog today?"

For Your Preschooler

Sound Walk.  Play a fun sound game in your neighborhood.  Look for people and things that begin with the same sound.  Ask your child to close his eyes.  As he opens them, tell him to name the first thing he sees - "A butterfly!"  Tell him that the letter "b" begins the word butterfly.  Help him find and name other things that start with the same sound - branch, bike, boy, etc.

Guessing Game.  Give your child a clue about something you notice outside and see if he can guess what you are thinking of.  For example, "I am thinking of something green that you can walk on." After he guesses "Grass!" let him have a turn.

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