Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 24th,   2014 Blog
Winter Session, Week 8

Welcome to the Winter 2014 Session of our Ready, Set Read! Blog, Week 8.  We have lots of things to share from our different programs for you to try with your little ones at home.  Make sure to also stop by our “Ready, Set, Read!” Station in the Early Learning Center in which you and your child can listen and read a story together and complete a fun activity! 
Please help Gail Borden win a visit with renowned author Jan Brett!  Visit the Facebook link here to enter our library!  Thanks!

Baby Rhyme Time!
This week we focused on we are focusing on fun with your little one.  We read Clap Hands by Helen Oxenbury and Wow! Babies! By Penny Gentieu.

Here are some songs that we used in our program for you to use at home… 


Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
Rock, rock, rock your boat,
Gently to and fro.
Look out, give a shout,
In the water you go.

Rhyme: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
Eyes, and ears, and mouth,
And nose.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.

Wonderful Ones
This week we are having fun with our little ones!  Some books that we read this week are:  I Like Colors by Barbara Jean Hicks and the magnet story, Two Little Birds.

Here are some songs that we used in our program for you to use at home… 

Rhyme: Clap Them So (#2)
Clap them, clap them
Clap them so.
Clap them high
And clap them low.
Clap them fast
And clap them slow.
Clap them, clap them
Clap them so.

Rhyme: Here We Go Up

Here we go up, up, up

Here we go down, down, down

Here we go forward

Here we go backward

Here we go around, and around and around

Continue the fun at home by pointing out the colors of different things around your home.  Use directional words (high, low, up, down, behind, etc.) when pointing out the item you’ve chosen to describe. 


Terrific Twos!

This week is about Counting with Turtles and Spiders!  We are on the numbers 7 and 8.  Here are some books to read to with your child that goes along with our theme: Itsy Bitsy Spider by Iza Trapani and I Wish I Could Fly by Ron Maris.

Here are some songs and rhymes we used in our program this week….

I have 10 little fingers and they all belong to me
I can make them do things, do you want to see?
I can shut them up tight or open them wide
I can put them together or make them hide
I can make them jump high
I can make them jump low
I can fold them up quietly and hold them just so

I had a little turtle, he lived in a box
He swam in a puddle, he climbed on the rocks
He snapped at a mosquito, he snapped at a flea
He snapped at a minnow and he snapped at me
He caught the mosquito, he caught the flea
He caught the minnow but he didn’t catch me

To extend our theme at home, sing the traditional Itsy Bitsy Spider rhyme using the hand motions that go with it.   

Story Mix for 3-6
We are talking about Transportation!  This week it’s all about Bikes!  A couple of books we read are: Off We Go! By Will Hillenbrand and We All Go Traveling  By Sheena Roberts w/ CD. 

One wheel, two wheels on the ground
My feet make the pedals go round and round
The handlebars help me steer so straight
Down the sidewalk and through the gate.

Rhyme:  Action Rhyme
I have a little bicycle                            I have a little bicycle
I ride it to and fro                                I got it at the shop
And when I see that big green light   And when I see that big red light
I know it’s time to go!                         I know it’s time to stop!

To extend our Bike theme at home, pretend to go on a bike!  Talk about where you like to go ride bikes.  What do you see on your bike ride?  Make a list of the places to visit on your bike as a to-do for the coming warm weather!

Spanish Family Story Time
Here is a sampling of some activities and rhymes from our Spanish Family Story Time for this Winter.

Rimas y actividades de Cuentos para la Familia Invierno 2014

Rima: (Usando el tee de golf, martillo plástico, gafas)
Puestos firmes y derechos  están los 5 (4,3,2,1) clavos
Aquí viene el carpintero con el martillo en la mano
¡Pum, Pum, pum! El clavo bajando va
Solo quedan 4 clavos para martillar
(Cuando martilles el ultimo: Ya no quedan clavos para martillar)

Juego de manos:
Aquí hay un nido para el pajarito (juntar las manos para hacer plato)
Aquí hay una almena para la abeja (poner puños juntos)
Aquí hay una madriguera para conejo (forma círculo con pulgar y dedo)
Aquí hay una casa donde yo estoy contento. (forma techo de casa con tus manos sobre tu cabeza)

Juego de manos:
Dibuja para mí
Dibuja un círculo
Tan Redondo como puedas
Dibuja un círculo, así
Dibuja un círculo solo para mí.

Dibuja un rectángulo, como una puerta
Dibújalo, hazlo como puedas.
Y dibuja un cuadrado
con esquinas 4

Dibuja un triángulo con esquinas 3
Dibuja un triángulo bien grande esta vez.

(Enseñar dibujo de elefante y pasar dedo donde deber la trompa del elefante)
El elefante así y así se mueve
El elefante es muy grande y gordo
Y ni dedos ni manos tiene.

¿Pero cielos has visto bien al elefante?
Que larga trompa lleva y él la usa cuando él quiere.

(Esto lo puedes hacer intentando dibujar en un papel)

Voy a Dibujar mi Cuerpo-
Voy a dibujar mi cuerpo la cabeza es lo primero,
un bracito a cada lado y en las manos, cinco dedos.
poco a poco voy bajando y a las piernas ya he llegado.
Voy a hacer dos zapatillas porque dentro están los pies
y ahora que recuerdo… algo falta en la cabeza:
dos ojitos, una boca, la nariz y las orejas.
¡Mira, que bien me dibujé de la cabeza hasta los pies!
(Tono de canción: Rema, rema, rema el barco)
                         Ve-ve-vete rinario Por-fa, por-fa, por favor
                         Cuida a mi perrito porque eres el doctor.

(puedes sustituir perrito con serpiente, rata, conejo, gatito, pez, pajarito u otra mascota)

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