Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11th, 2014
Winter Session, Week 6
Welcome to the Winter 2014 Session of our Ready, Set Read! Blog, Week 6.  We have lots of things to share from our different programs for you to try with your little ones at home.  Make sure to also stop by our “Ready, Set, Read!” Station in the Early Learning Center in which you and your child can listen and read a story together and complete a fun activity! 
Here is a link for parents to use at home as well as extensions to reading readiness activities.  It comes from our Readership Program which is an outreach program to our local preschools!  Hope you enjoy the activities!

Baby Rhyme Time!
This week we are playing with Numbers.  We read Maisy’s First Numbers by Lucy Collins and One, Two, Buckle My Shoe Salina Yoon. 

Here are some songs that we used in our program for you to use at home… 

Rhyme A Handful of Fingers

I have a handful of fingers,
Yes,  I do.
I can count them,
Can you count them too?
One, two, three, four, five.

Rhyme One, Two
One, two, one, two,
I have two eyes, so do you.
One, two, one, two,
I have two ears, so do you.
One, two, one two,
I have two lips, so do you.
One two, one two,
I have two hands, so do you.

To extend our Numbers theme, count different objects you see, count fingers and toes!  Make it fun for you and baby. 

Wonderful Ones
This week we are talking about going to bed!  Some books that go with our theme for you to read with your little one are: Sweet Dreams, Little Bunny! By Maribeth Boelts and Bedtime by Elsa Warnick.

Here are some songs that we used in our program for you to use at home… 
Rhyme: Goodnight Me
Good night two ears,
Stop sniffling nose.
Stay quiet mouth,
And don’t move toes.
Good night two hands,
Stop fiddling around.
Goodnight two eyes,
Time to lay down.

Rhyme: : Bedtime for Piggies

(Use fingers)

“It’s time for all piggies to go to bed,”
Mother Piggie said.
“I will count them up to see,
If all of my piggies came back to me.
One little piggy, two little piggies,
Three little piggies, dear,
Four little piggies, five little piggies,
Yes, they are all here.
You are the dearest little piggies alive,
One, two, three, four five.”

Continue the bedtime fun at home by checking out Sandra Boynton’s book and song Pajama Time!  It’s a fun song to share as it’s time to get ready for bed!


Terrific Twos!

This week is about Counting with Snowmen!  We are on the number 5.  Here are some books to read to with your child that goes along with our theme: Snowballs by Lois Ehlert and First Snowfall by Anne and Harlow Rockwell.

Here are some songs and rhymes we used in our program this week….

I’m a friendly snowman   (tune: I’m a Little Teapot)
Big and fat
Here is my tummy
Here is my hat
Here’s my mouth all smiley
Here’s my nose
I’m all snow from head to toe

Rhyme:  (Flannel  Board Rhyme)
A great big snowball
A middle-sized snowball
A little snowball I see
Now let’s count the snowballs
Can you help me?
1, 2, 3

To extend our theme at home, check out the book, Snowmen At Night by Caroline Buehner.  Snowmen have very silly antics and there are also hidden pictures for you and your youngster to find! 

Story Mix for 3-6
We are talking about Transportation!  This week it’s about riding the Bus.  A couple of books we read are: The Bus For Us by Suzanne Bloom and Bobbo Goes To School by Shirley Hughes

Hippo Bus Song (beat a rhythm on your knees)
A hip, a hip, a hippopotamus                          A sheep, a sheep, a sheep got on the bus
Got up, got up, got up onto the bus                 And all, and all, and all the people said,
And all, and all, and all the people said,          "Baaaaaaaaack up!"
"You're squishing us!" (squish face with hands)

A cow, a cow, a cow got on the bus                  A snake, a snake, a snake got on the bus
And all, and all, and all the people said,          And all, and all, and all the people said,
"Moooooooove over!" (push hands to the side)   "Ssssssssssit down!"

Riding in a bus I go
Riding fast, turning slow
Bumping down the street just so
Riding in a bus I go

To extend our Bus theme at home, sing the traditional “Wheels on the Bus” song.  Act out the different actions and even come up with your own silly things that happen on the bus!

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