Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ten Summer Activities You Can Do Together: Reading is SO Delicious!

Reading is SO Delicious!  Have you signed up for the Summer Reading Program at the library?  Children from birth through 35 months are encouraged to sign up to become a "Little Listener."  This is a great program for parents and caregivers to incorporate the 5 essential early literacy skills into your everyday routine!

Check out a book to read together and then share some delicious fun with these food games.  Don't forget to color in the shapes of your reading log when you complete the activity. You can do these at the library, at home, at the park, at the pool, or wherever you find time together!

  1. Visit a grocery store
  2. Make a list of your favorite foods
  3. Pack and enjoy a picnic
  4. Write a recipe for a sandwich
  5. Make play dough or clay food
  6. Spell out your name in cereal
  7. Put a vegetable into a brown bag and let the grown up reach in and guess
  8. Count the fruit at your house or a store
  9. Try a new flavor of ice cream or dessert
  10. Sing the "Ten Vegetables" rhyme (From our friends at King County Library System)

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