Friday, January 10, 2014

January 10th  2014 
Winter Session, Week 1
Welcome to the Winter 2014 Session of our Ready, Set Read! Blog, Week 1.  We have lots of things to share from our different programs for you to try with your little ones at home.  Make sure to also stop by our Ready, Set, Read! Station in the Early Learning Center in which you and your child can listen and read a story together and complete a fun activity!  This week’s book is The After Christmas Tree by Linda Wagner Tyler.  Enjoy!

Baby Rhyme Time!
This week is all about Winter!  Some Winter books to read with your little one are: Spot’s Snowy Day by Hill, E and Winter Snow by Slegers, L. 

Here are some songs that we used in our program for you to use at home… 

Rhyme: Dance Like Snowflakes (Tune: Are You Sleeping)
Dance like snowflakes,
Dance like snowflakes,
In the air, in the air.
Whirling, twirling snowflakes,
Whirling, twirling snowflakes,
Here and there, here and there.

Rhyme: Gloves, Gloves, Gloves (Tune: Three Blind Mice)
Gloves, gloves, gloves,
Gloves, gloves, gloves.
I'm in love, with my gloves.
They are what I like to wear,
Especially in the cold, cold air.
I like to take them everywhere.
Gloves, gloves, gloves.

Wonderful Ones

This week we are talking about Winter.  We read Snowsong by Sturges, P and Under My Hood I Have a Hat by Kuskin, K.
Here are some songs that we used in our program for you to use at home… 

Rhyme: Put Your Pants On

(Tune: Mama's Little Baby Loves Shortnin' Bread)

Baby put your coat on, coat on, coat on,
Baby put your coat on, 1, 2, 3.
Baby put your hat on, hat on, hat on,
Baby put your hat on, 1, 2, 3.
Baby put your boots on, boots on, boots on,
Baby put your boots on 1, 2, 3.
Now that you're all dressed, all dressed, all dressed,
Now that you’re all dressed, let’s go out and play!

Rhyme: Itsy Bitsy Snowflake
The itsy bitsy snowflake
Fell down from the sky.
It landed on my nose
And it bounced upon my eye.
It slid down to my chin
And it landed on my tongue.
Then it melted all away.
Now my snowflake song is done.

Terrific Twos!

This week is about Winter!  Here are some books to read to your little one:
Frozen Noses by Carr and Mouse’s First Snow by Thompson.
Here are some songs and rhymes we used in our program this week….

Let’s put on our mittens and button our coats
Wrap a scarf snugly around our throats
Pull on our boots and fasten the straps
And tie on tightly our warm winter caps
Then open the door and out we go
Into the soft and feathery snow

Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch up the hill so slow (march fingers up arm)

Sliding, sliding, sliding, sliding down the hill we go (slide hand down arm)

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