Monday, April 9, 2012

Wonderful Ones: Tippy Tippy Toes

This week at Wonderful Ones, we bring together several interactive rhymes that will help your little one learn eye-hand coordination, flexibility and even critical thinking skills.  Games such as these also help baby learn to associate sounds and words with objects. By stamping your feet, stretching your arms, tip toeing, and moving up and down like a merry-go-round, you are also helping your baby learn to associate movements with the action word. 

I Can! Rhyme
I can!  I can!  I can!  (clap hands)
Stamp my feet.
I can!  I can!  I can! (clap hands)
Stamp my feet.

I can!  I can!  I can!  (clap hands)
Stretch up high.
I can!  I can!  I can! (clap hands)
Stretch up high.
I can!  I can!  I can!  (clap hands)
Touch my nose.
I can!  I can!  I can! (clap hands)
Touch my nose.

Tippy Toe Rhyme
Tippy tippy tiptoe, off we go. (tiptoe fingers up arm)
Tippy tippy tiptoe, to and fro.  (tiptoe fingers over head)
Tippy tippy tiptoe, through the house.  (tiptoe fingers down other arm)
Tippy tippy tiptoe, quiet as a mouse.

Tippy tippy tiptoe, off we go. (tiptoe fingers up arm)
Tippy tippy tiptoe, to and fro.  (tiptoe fingers over head)
Tippy tippy tiptoe, through the house.  (tiptoe fingers down other arm)
Tippy tippy tiptoe, quiet as a mouse.

Merry-Go-Round Song
(Rock baby on lap)
Merry-go-round, merry-go-round,
We go riding all around.
First we’re up, then we’re down,
We go riding all around.
Hold on tight and don’t fall down.

Merry-go-round, merry-go-round,
We go riding all around.
First we’re up, then we’re down,
We go riding all around.
Hold on tight and don’t fall down.

We read these books at Wonderful Ones this week: 

Peekaboo Morning by Rachel Isadora
A toddler plays peek-a-boo throughout the day.
Check catalog availability

One Beautiful Baby by Martin Oborne
Counts all of the characteristics of a beautiful baby from one smile to ten sticky fingers.
Check catalog availability

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