Wednesday, November 23, 2011

1, 2, 3 Go! More Nursery Rhymes

We've had so much fun sharing favorite nursery rhymes with our 1, 2, 3 Go attendees!  Nursery rhymes are a great way to help children make comparisons and hear contrasts between different speech sounds. The rhyme, repetition, and rhythm of the language also makes nursery rhymes such as these fun to read and sing over and over again.  Enjoy these funny takes on traditional nursery rhymes that your child is sure to love.

Sheep in the Meadow
Sheep in the meadow,
Take a little nap. (Pretend to sleep)
Thunder! (Stamp feet)
Lightning! (Clap hands)
Jump up and clap! (Jump to feet and clap)

Sheep in the meadow,
Take a little nap. (Pretend to sleep)
Thunder! (Stamp feet)
Lightning! (Clap hands)
Jump up and clap! (Jump to feet and clap)

Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a stool,
Humpty Dumpty thought he was cool,
No!  No!  No!
That’s not right!

Humpty Dumpty sat on a cow,
Humpty Dumpty didn’t know how,
No!  No!  No!
That’s not right!

Humpty Dumpty sat on horse,
Humpty Dumpty fell off course.
No!  No!  No!
That’s not right!

Humpty Dumpty sat on a bed,
Humpty Dumpty fell on his head.
No!  No!  No!
That’s not right!

Humpty Dumpty sat on a train,
Humpty Dumpty fell again.
No!  No!  No!
That’s not right!

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men,
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

Yes!  Yes!  Yes!
That’s right!  Now you’ve got it!
Poor Humpty Dumpty!

Little Bo-Peep
Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep,
And can’t tell where to find them.
Leave them alone, and they’ll come home,
Wagging their tails behind them.

Here comes pink and here comes gray,
They’ve been visiting friends all day.

Here comes orange and here comes red,
They’ve been eating in the shed.

Here comes purple and here comes yellow,
They’ve been romping in the meadow.

Here comes blue and here comes brown,
They’ve been wandering all about town.

Here comes green and here comes black,
Now Little Bo-Peep’s sheep are back.

Little Bo-Peep has all her sheep,
They’re back home safe and sound!
They were hiding, it’s true, but thanks to you,
All of them now are found.

We read these nursery rhyme books at 1, 2, 3 Go this week: 

The Big, Big Wall by Reginald Howard / No Puedo Bajar by Reginald Howard
Humpty Dumpty's friends help him avoid a big, big fall. / Los amigos de Humpty Dumpty lo ayudan a evitar una gran caĆ­da. 
Check catalog availability / En Espanol

Mary Had A Little Lamb by Sarah Josepha Hale
Presents the traditional nursery rhyme that tells the story of a schoolgirl and her faithful pet lamb. 
Check catalog availability

For even more nursery rhyme books, check out this reading list from Reading Rockets.

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