Friday, May 8, 2020


Next week for the virtual baby/toddler storytime I'm doing for the library we will have several shaker rhymes. If you don't have a shaker at home you can easily make one. Simply take an empty water or soda bottle and fill with a small amount of an object from your house. Rice, beans, beads, buttons, pennies etc. Anything will work. You can then either just put the top back on (I use super glue if going this route to secure the lid), or make a handle our of paper and tape (Masking or duct). (Roll the paper up and insert about an inch into the bottle. )You might have to cut paper if the handle sticks out too far. Then wrap the tape around the form a sturdy handle for the kids to grab onto.

One of my favorite shaker rhymes has been modified from a rhyme I frequently use. The shaker rhyme Up! closely follows the rhyme Dance your fingers that I posted a couple of weeks ago. I'm big on adapting fingerplays and rhymes to fit theme and use. The following rhyme specifically mentions egg shakers, but you could substitute the word all anywhere the word egg is used.

We had technical difficulties with the Facebook Live program on Wednesday. I ended up taping it and I believe it will be up on YouTube soon as well as airing on Facebook tomorrow morning. Or at least that is what I'm being told.


Egg shakers up
And egg shakers down
Egg shakers dancing all around the town.
Dance them on your shoulders
And dance them on your head.
Dance them on your knees
And tuck them into bed.

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