Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Storytime Programs - Winter, 2017 - Week One

Welcome to the first week of Winter storytime programs.  In addition to our weekly storytimes, there are numerous special events happening so be sure to check our Events Calendar, give us a call, or stop by the desk in the Early Learning Center if you would like more information.  We hope that you'll be joining us.  Remember, we have storytime at all three locations! Below you will find some of the books, rhymes, and fingerplays we are presenting this week.

Baby Rhyme Time (For babies 0-11 months and a caregiver)

The Itsy Bitsy Snowman by Burton Click here to find the book in the catalog.
I Love You Snow Much by Magsamen Click here to find the book in the catalog.

Action Rhyme: Making A Snowman
Roll it, roll it, get a pile of snow (roll hands)
Rolling, rolling, we will go
Pat it, pat it, face it to south (pat with hands)
Now my little snowman's done
Eyes, nose, and mouth (point to features)

Your baby loves to hear the sound of your voice!  He won't understand all of your words, but hearing your voice stimulates an interest in sounds and exposes him to the rhythm of language.

Wonderful Ones (For babies 12-23 months and a caregiver)

What Does The Rabbit Say? by Hall Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Honk by Demarest Click here to find the book in the catalog.

Action Rhyme: The Baby Is Trying To Sleep
The chicks say, "Cheep, cheep"
The puppies say, "Woof, woof"
The mommies say, "Shh, shh, the baby is trying to sleep"
The birds say, "Tweet, tweet"
The kittens say, "Meow, meow"
The daddies say, "Shh, shh, the the baby is trying to sleep"

Toddlers love animals!  Be sure to check out some books about your child's favorite ones and read, read, read!

Terrific Twos (For toddlers 2-3 years and a caregiver)

Up & Down by Teckentrup
Penguins, Penguins, Everywhere! by Barner Click here to find the book in the catalog.

Action Rhyme: Waddling Penguins (Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
Penguins, penguins having fun
Waddling in the shining sun
Waddling fast and waddling slow
Waddling to and waddling fro
Penguins, penguins having fun
Waddling in the shining sun

We read and sang about penguins this week in storytime.  What did your toddler learn about them?  Have a conversation about them. What colors are they?  Do they like to swim? 

1, 2, Go!  (For children 1-3 years and a caregiver)

Peep And Ducky by Martin Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Higher! Higher! by Patricelli Click here to find the book in the catalog.

Action Rhyme: I Saw A Little Duck
I saw a little duck go hop, hop, hop (hop/jump 3 times)
I told the little duck to stop, stop, stop
I went to the window to say, "How do you do?"
He wagged his little tail and away he flew! (wiggle and fly)

Between 2 and 3 years of age, toddlers learn how to jump off low structures, and eventually how to jump from a standing position. Both of these skills require bilateral coordination, or the ability to use both sides of your body to do something different. Practice this large motor skill.

StoryMix For 3 to 6 (For children 3-6 years without caregiver)

Bear Sees Colors by Wilson Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Blackberry Banquet by Pierce Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Bear's Big Breakfast by Reed Click here to find the book in the catalog.

Action Rhyme: All Around The Strawberry Fields
(Tune: Pop Goes The Weasel)
All around the strawberry fields (clap hands)
We picked some juicy berries
We brought them home and washed them off
Pop, go the berries!  (jump when saying "pop")
(Other verses: blueberry, blackberry, huckleberry, raspberry)

Repeat this rhyme at home.  Preschoolers will love the anticipation of the "pop" at the end of the rhyme!  

Family Jam (For families with young children)

Snappy Little Dinosaurs by Steer
Dinosaur Rap by Foster Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Tyrannosaurus Wrecks! by Bardhan-Quallen Click here to find the book in the catalog.

Families enjoyed movement and dancing along to the Koo Koo Kanga Roo YouTube video.  Click on the following link if you'd like to enjoy it again. 

The word "dinosaur" begins with the letter "d".  What else can you find in your home that begins with the same letter?  

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