Baby Rhyme Time (For babies 0-11 months and a caregiver)
Goodnight Owl by DwellStudio Click here to find the book in the catalog.
That's Not My Hedgehog by Watt Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Action Rhyme: Little Squirrel (with puppet)
Little squirrel, little squirrel
Shake your bushy tail (sit baby on lap and shake lower body)
Little squirrel, little squirrel
Shake your bushy tail (sit baby on lap and shake lower body)
Wrinkle up your funny nose (touch nose)
Put a nut between your toes (touch toes)
Little squirrel, little squirrel
Shake your bushy tail (sit baby on lap and shake lower body)
Relate books and rhymes to your baby's experiences. Use rhymes like these as a springboard to talk about things you see and hear on a walk - leaves, animals, wind, etc.
Wonderful Ones (For babies 12-23 months and a caregiver)
Red light, Green Light by Suen Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Babies Don't Walk, They Ride! by Henderson Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Action Rhyme: Choo-Choo Train
This is the choo-choo train
Puffing down the track (pretend to drive "train" down your arm)
Now it's going forward (swing arms forward)
Now it's going back (swing arms backward)
Now the bell is ringing (pretend to ring bell)
Now the whistle blows
What a lot of noise it makes
Everywhere it goes
This week's storytime was all about vehicles! Talk about the different kinds of vehicles you see when you are outside. Police cars, school buses, trucks, fire engines, and so on. What colors are they? Who rides in them?
Terrific Twos (For toddlers 2-3 years and a caregiver)
Little Why by Lambert Click here to find the book in the catalog.
My Heart Is Like A Zoo by Hall Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Action Rhyme: Elephant Walk
Right foot, left foot, see me go (step with feet and sway side to side)
I am gray and big and slow (hold hands out to side)
I come walking down the street (stamp feet)
With my trunk and four big feet (move arm like a trunk)
In our story Little Why, a baby elephant constantly asks the question, "WHY?" Ask your toddler open-ended questions such as why, how, where, what, and so on. In doing so, you give your child the opportunity to express his thoughts and problem solve.
1, 2, Go! (For children 1-3 years and a caregiver)
Apples and Pumpkins by Rockwell Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Piggies In The Pumpkin Patch by Peterson Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Action Rhyme: Pumpkin, Pumpkin On The Ground
Pumpkin, pumpkin on the ground (touch the ground)
How'd you get so big and round? (make a big circle with arms)
Once you were a seed so small (pinch fingers together)
Now you are a great big ball (make a big circle overhead)
Pumpkin, pumpkin on the ground (touch the ground)
How'd you get so big and round? (make a big circle with arms)
Do you have a pumpkin at your house? Do you and your toddler see them at stores? Have a conversation together about them. What color are they? Are they hard or soft? Heavy or light? What can you do with them?
StoryMix For 3 to 6 (For children 3-6 years without caregiver)
Hocus Pocus, It's Fall! by O'Brien Click here to find the book in the catalog.
The Little Yellow Leaf by Berger Click here to find the book in the catalog.
The Little School Bus by Roth Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Action Rhyme: Close Your Eyes (Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb)
Close your eyes and hide them now
Hide them now, hide them now
Close your eyes and hide them now
Which one is missing now?
The action rhyme was part of a fun guessing game in storytime. The children looked at all the pictures on the flannel board and then they covered their eyes while a picture was removed. When they opened their eyes, they tried to guess what picture was gone! Play this game at home! Use pictures or real objects.
Family Jam (For families with young children)
I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato by Child Click on the link to find the book in the catalog.
Harriet's Halloween Candy by Carlson Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Peanut Butter and Jelly on Fun and Games CD by Greg & Steve Click here to find the CD in the catalog.
Shakin' Down the Sugar on Victor Vito CD by Berkner Click here to find the CD in the catalog.
Some people love peanut butter and jelly. Some people love tomatoes. What foods do people love in your family? Does everyone enjoy helping prepare meals and snacks together?
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