Baby Rhyme Time (For babies 0-11 months and a caregiver)
The Big Sleep Book by Genechten Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Time For Bed by Fox Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Action Rhyme: Where's Teddy Bear?
(Hide a teddy bear or familiar toy as you sing this rhyme)
Where's teddy bear?
Over there!
Now where's bear?
Look, he's there!
Goodnight, bear.
Go to sleep in baby's chair.
Make up songs or rhymes about everyday activities with your child. As he gets older, encourage him to do the same. Singing and chanting rhymes are ways of practicing and exploring language.
Wonderful Ones (For babies 12-23 months and a caregiver)
Goodnight Moon by Brown Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Little Red House (presented as a prop story)
Action Rhyme: My Blanket
I once had a blanket, it was fluffy and new
I once had a blanket, and its color was blue
I once had a blanket, the prettiest I've ever seen
I once had a blanket, and its color was green
I once had a blanket, as soft as a pillow
I once had a blanket, and its color was yellow
I once had a blanket, at the foot of my bed
I once had a blanket, and its color was red
Practice color recognition with your toddler every day. As you help your child get dressed, say, "Let's put your (color) shirt on." Point out the colors of foods on his plate, the toys in the bath tub, and groceries you put in the cart at the store.
Terrific Twos (For toddlers 2-3 years and a caregiver)
I Know a Rhino by Fuge Click here to find the book in the catalog.
We've All Got Bellybuttons! by Martin Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Action Rhyme: The Zoo
We're on our way, we're on our way
On our way to see the zoo
We're on our way, we're on our way
On our way to see the zoo
Over at the zoo there is a polar bear
Over at the zoo there is a polar bear
The bear he makes a sound like this, GROWL!
The bear he makes sound like this, GROWL!
Lion - ROAR!
Monkey - EEE-EEE!
Read books about your toddlers's favorite things - animals, transportation, colors.... Don't worry about reading the same book over and over again. Repetition is how toddlers learn!
1, 2, Go! (For children 1-3 years and a caregiver)
Who Loves the Fall? by Raczka Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Look Whooo's Counting by MacDonald Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Action Rhyme: Five Hoot Owls
Five hoot owls sitting in a tree,
One flew away!
How many do you see?
(4, 3, 2, 1)
No hoot owls sitting in a tree,
One flew back!
How many do you see?
(2, 3, 4, 5)
Repeat this rhyme at home and practice counting with your toddler using fingers. What other things can you count together?
StoryMix For 3 to 6 (For children 3-6 years without caregiver)
I Dream of an Elephant by Rubinger Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Strictly No Elephants by Mantchev Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Bella's Fall Coat by Plourde Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Albuquerque Turkey by Ford Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Action Rhyme: Five Fat Turkeys
fat turkeys out for a walk
Gobble, Gobble
That’s how
they talk
So 5 fat
turkeys took a walk through the woods
Gobble, Gobble
Is what they
And 1 fat
turkey trotted away
4 fat
turkeys…flew away, 3 fat turkeys…waddled away,
2 fat
turkeys…hopped away, 1 fat turkey…sneaked away
So the 5 fat
turkeys knew what to do
Off to the
woods and away they flew
When the
farmer came looking in the woods that day
He couldn’t
find the turkeys for Thanksgiving Day
Family Jam (For families with young children)
The Thankful Book by Parr Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Splat the Cat Says Thank You by Scotton Click here to find the book in the catalog.
Music Video: Happy Thanksgiving Song by Maple Leaf Learning
If you'd like to sing and dance along to this hilarious video again, click on the image below.
The lyrics in the song ask, "What are you thankful for?" How would everyone in your family respond to this question?
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