Baby Rhyme Time (For babies 0-11 months and a caregiver)
I Like Fruit - Siminovich
Acrion Rhyme: The Toaster Song
I'm toast in the toaster, (Sit baby on lap)
And I'm getting really hot. (Bounce up and down)
Tick, tock, tick, tock,
Up I pop! (Lift baby up high)
Babies love interactive books! Bib on, Bunny! features a bunny puppet peeking through all the pages. Check out some of our board books with "touch and feel" pages, mirrors, flaps, and even more interesting details. Show your little one that reading is fun!
Wonderful Ones (For babies 12-23 months and a caregiver)
Time for Bed - Fox
Busy Lizzie - Berry
Action Rhyme: The Baby is Trying to Sleep
The chicks say, "Cheep, cheep,"
The puppies say, "Woof, woof,"
The mommies say, "Shh, shh, the baby is trying to sleep."
The birds say, "Tweet, tweet,"
The kittens say, "Meow, meow,"
The daddies say, "Shh, shh, the baby is trying to sleep."
We read and sang about lots of different animals and their sounds this week. Check out some animal books and read them to a pet or stuffed animal.
Terrific Twos (For toddlers 2-3 years and a caregiver)
Hibernation Station - Meadows
Winter Lullaby - Seuling
Action Rhyme: Winter is Cold
Winter is cold, (Hug your cold and shiver)
There is snow in the sky. (Flutter fingers above your head)
The squirrel gathers nuts, (Pretend to gather nuts)
And the wild geese fly.
The fluffy red fox has his fur to keep him warm, (Stroke fur)
The bear's in her cave, sleeping all through the storm. (Fold hands under cheek and pretend to sleep)
Talk about what your family does to stay warm in winter. Do you wear hats and mittens? Do you play indoors more? Ask your toddler simple questions that require more than a "yes" or "no" answer.
1, 2, Go! (For children 1-3 years and a caregiver)
Tiger - Butterworth
Dear Zoo - Campbell (Presented as a prop story)
Action Rhyme: Tiger See, Tiger Do
Tiger see, Tiger do,
Tiger does the same as you....
(Prowl around/Roar/Jump up high/Blink your eyes/Turn around/Sit back down)
This rhyme was presented as a group activity using a puppet in our program this week. What a fun game to play at home with your toddler! What other actions can you think of?
StoryMix For 3 to 6 (For children 3-6 years without caregiver)
Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Gorbachev
Chaucer's First Winter - Krensky
Because I Love You So Much - Genechten
Action Rhyme:Wear a Hat (Tune: London Bridge)
Wear a hat upon your head,
On your head, on your head,
Wear a hat upon your head,
So you'll stay nice and warm.
Wear a scarf around your neck...
Wear some mittens on your hands...
Wear some boots upon your feet...
This is such a simple rhyme to sing. Make a game out of getting wrapped up warm before going outside in the winter. Can you make up some silly verses too? Wear some mittens on your head...? Wear a jacket on your feet...?
Family Jam (For families with young children)
There Once Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow - Colandro
Snowballs - Ehlert
Action Rhyme: Once There Was a Snowman
Once there was a snowman, a snowman, a snowman,
Once there was a snowman, tall, tall, tall.
In the sun it melted, melted, melted,
In the sun it melted, small, small, small.
Our take home activity this week was a simple snowman snack idea for the whole family to enjoy making. Click on the link below to view the tasty treat posted on a very informative and creative website for families.
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