Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Storytime Programs - Spring, 2015, Week Four

Welcome to our fourth week of storytime programs in Spring 2015.  We offer storytimes for babies from birth on up. Some of our programs require pre-registration, others are drop-in.  Please check our Events Calendar, give us a call, or stop by the desk in the Early Learning Center if you would like more information. We hope you are able to join us and share in the fun!  Below you will find some of the books, rhymes, and fingerplays we are presenting this week.

Baby Rhyme Time (For babies 0-11 months and a caregiver)

Bubbles, Bubbles - Sesame Beginnings
One Sunny Day - Salzano

Rhyme: Ten Little Bubbles
One little, two little, three little bubbles,
Four little, five little, six little bubbles,
Seven little, eight little, nine little bubbles,
Ten little bubbles go POP, POP, POP!

Repeating this rhyme at home with your little one is not only fun, it is also a great way of including counting in your playtime.  Of course the word POP is emphasized by a loud clap!

Children internalize numbers by hearing counting again and again in rhymes and songs.
Baby Storytime Magic - MacMillan & Kirker

Wonderful Ones (For babies 12-23 months and a caregiver)

When I Go To The Supermarket - Harker
Going Shopping - Garland

Rhyme: Three Tickles
Pizza, pickle, pumpernickel,
My little one shall have a tickle.
One for his nose,
And one for his toes,
And one for his tummy,
Where the good food goes!

What toddler doesn't love a good tickle from mom, dad, or a loved one?  The grownups are enjoying this playful rhyme as much as the little ones this week.  A great one to repeat over and over again!  

Terrific Twos (For toddlers 2-3 years and a caregiver)

Spring Is Here - Hillenbrand
Sleep Asleep - Rothstein
Farmyard Beat - Craig

Action Rhyme: This Little Child
This little child is going to bed (point to self)
Down on the pillow he lays his head (rest head on hands)
He wraps himself in covers tight (wrap hands across body)
And this is the way he sleeps all night (close eyes)
Morning comes, he opens his eyes (raise head, open eyes wide)
Off with a toss the covers fly (fling arms wide)
Soon he is up and dressed and awake (jump up)
Ready for fun and play all day (clap hands and turn in a circle)

We are continuing our opposites theme with asleep and awake this week.  Do you have a bedtime routine with your toddler?  Talk about it with him.  Does it include some storytime and some snuggling with mom or dad?  What about a bath?  Or a snack?       

1, 2, 3, Go! (For children 1, 2, and 3 years and a caregiver)

Seven Hungry Babies - Fleming

Rhyme: Worms
Worms up, worms down (3 times)
Worms down, worms up (3 times)
Birds will come and eat you up!

Look for birds in your yard or on a spring walk with your toddler. Talk about what they look like.  Do they have wings?  What colors are they? What are they doing?  

StoryMix For 3 to 6 (For children 3-6 years without caregiver)

I Want To Be An Astronaut - Barton
Mousetronaut - Kelly
Blast Off! - Doyle

Action Rhyme: Spaceships
One little, two little, three little spaceships
Four little, five little, six little spaceships
Seven little, eight little, nine little spaceships
Ten little spaceships ready
Countdown?  Ready?
(Everyone crouches lower and lower)
Blast off!  (Jump up or count with fingers and take off)

This is such a fun rhyme to repeat at home with your preschooler.  Not only does it incorporate counting up and counting down, but your child is sure to enjoy blasting off!  Repetition is key when it comes to learning.

This week's handout to the preschoolers included some information about an upcoming program here at the library - 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten.  Beginning April 18th, the Gail Borden Public Library is encouraging families to join this simple reading incentive program.  Stay tuned for more information.

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