Baby Rhyme Time (For babies 0-11 months and a caregiver)
Choo Choo - Horacek
That's Not My Tractor - Watt
Action Rhyme
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round,
Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All through the town!
(People - up and down/Horn - beep, beep)
Did you know that when you bounce your baby on your lap while singing a song with a strong beat, such as The Wheels on the Bus, your child both hears and feels the rhythm of spoken language?
Wonderful Ones (For babies 12-23 months and a caregiver)
Mommy's Best Kisses - Anastas
Books Always Everywhere - Blatt
Rhyme: All Kinds of Kisses
Butterfly kisses are soft, gentle things. Flutter your lashes like butterfly wings.
Eskimo kisses come down from the north. Place nose to nose and move back and forth.
A kiss on the hand is welcomed by all and works very well when someone is tall.
Whiskery kisses tickle your chin. You wiggle and laugh 'cause you can't hold it in.
Goodbye kisses are shared when you put a kiss in your hand, and then gently blow.
Storytimes at the library and at home are the perfect opportunity for some closeness and cuddling with your child. Reading together at home is also a soothing and calming routine to enjoy before naptime or bedtime.
Terrific Twos (For toddlers 2-3 years and a caregiver)
Snow Party - Ziefert
Mouse's First Snow - Thompson
Action Rhyme: If You're Happy When It Snows
If you're happy when it snows, clap your hands,
If you're happy when it snows, clap your hands.
Oh, it's fluffy and it's white,
Such a lovely, snowy sight,
If you're happy when it snows, clap your hands.
(Stomp your feet/Nod head/Shout hurray)
Get creative, add more verses to the rhyme! Ask your child to think of different actions and sing the rhyme again.
1, 2, 3, Go! (For children 1, 2, and 3 years and a caregiver)
Ella Sarah Gets Dressed - Chodos-Irvine
Action Rhyme: Penguin Shuffle
Penguins shuffle, shuffle to the left, left, left
Penguins shuffle, shuffle to the right, right, right
Give a little wiggle,
Give a little hop,
Waddle around the iceberg,
Never want to stop.
Some fun penguin rhymes are being introduced at storytime this week. Why not check out some fiction or nonfiction books about penguins or other favorite animals? Ask us at the Early Learning Center Help Desk if you need some recommendations. Storytimes are always full of fun, learning opportunities for your child!
StoryMix For 3 to 6 (For children 3-6 years without caregiver)
The Line Up - Russo
Clancy & Millie and the Very Fine House - Gleeson
Action Rhyme: Block Play (Using puppets and blocks)
One little friend came to school one day,
He went to the blocks and began to play.
A second little friend said, "Can I play too?"
The first little friend said, "I'll share with you!"
So they worked together and built a big town.
Then when they were finished, they knocked it all down!
We are continuing our shape theme with squares this week. Can you and your child find any squares in your kitchen? In your family room? In your child's bedroom? How many can you count?
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